community guidelines, privacy & security

Let’s get straight to it, what does Ternpath do;


  1. Yes, we do collect and analyze some of your information. This is solely to help us understand how you use Ternpath and how we can make it even better. 

 We may collect information regarding your age, geographical location, interests, who you hang with, your device type, details (including any unique serial numbers), camera usage and filters, facial recognition data and information about your attendance at a Ternpath event (I.e. which even and where – this may also include how far you’ve travelled to get to the event and what method you used to get there).


  1. So what we do is, we collect the data in aggregate form and conduct surveys and analysis of the data to help us understand how you like to use Ternpath and how we might be able to make it even better for you.
  1. Also, our algorithms look at what you do, what you prefer and how you specifically use Ternpath. It’ll then try to make better recommendations to you, help you find things you’re looking for and also try to put you in line with other cool people that are like you and like the same stuff.
  1. And obviously we store your data, including your photos, comments on things, your events history and who your friends are. But that’s only so we can show it to you when you want to look back on memories, we’ll have it right there handy for you.
  1. We will track some information that goes through Ternpath. We have hate speech and violence detectors in place. If we find something that we believe is putting people’s safety at risk we will tell the authorities.

And here’s a few things you should know, these are the things we don’t do;


  1. We don’t sell your information, let us be really clear on that point.

       We are not into that.  You have trusted us with your information and we value the trust you have placed in us. 


  1. We do not keep information that is out of date or no longer relevant.
  1. People under the age of 15 are not allowed to use Ternpath. There are laws about keeping information on people under 15 in Australia, but we don’t think 15 is a good age to start using Ternpath anyway.
  1. Your information, particularly your ongoing location, is your business. When you’re not using Ternpath we do not check up on your location. We do not track your movements, who you are with and what you are doing, that information is not useful to us but more importantly, you should feel safe that platforms like Ternpath are not spying on you.

Here’s a bit more stuff about our guidelines.


  1. The guidelines, privacy and security agreement is current and relates to the organization known as Ternpath, but wholly owned by Three Chevrons Pty Ltd. This agreement, data and product will transfer to new ownership if that were to ever take place.
  1. Ternpath has heaps of cool features, the first being your ability to post photos and send videos/ photos to others. On a serious note, nudity, violence, racism and all that ugly content will not be tolerated. When we refer to nudity we’re talking about areas of the body such as breasts, genitals and buttocks. Ternpath is a platform built to share good experiences and to make new friends; if you post anything of this nature, there is a good chance we will take action so that we continue to keep Ternpath a great social media platform. We do understand that some people enjoy artistic expression through nudity.  There is obviously a fine line and each case may have to be determined on its merit, however, generally speaking it will not be allowed.  Photos of paintings, for example, that depict a nude person, would normally be permitted as it is clearly an expression of art and not of nudity and the person depicted is in painting form, not real life.  Occasionally, a Mum’s group may get together in order to discuss a variety of interests.  Photos depicting breast feeding are generally permitted as we understand this is a normal function of human life.  On that note, lets explore the normal functions of human life. Sexual intercourse and or acts are considered a normal function of life, we accept it is, however, posting any content of this nature is not in the interests of public decency and will not be accepted.
  1. There’s also occasions where you’ll want to share photos of children. If the pics aren’t of your children you need to have express permission from the parents or guardians. It might pay to tag the parents into the photo so you know they’re made aware.
  1. Any images or videos of nude or partly nude children will be removed from the platform and authorities potentially advised.

Why we love Ternpath


  1. A lot of thought and ideas have been put into creating Ternpath. One of the key things about Ternpath is the ability to create trust and authenticity through the Profile Selfie and then the Friend Selfie processes.  These two elements work together to enable facial recognition to reinforce the genuineness of each and every profile on the platform.  So now we’ve created this, we are asking you to ensure Ternpath remains free from spam, junk and content that just isn’t useful. 
  1. One thing you can do is use your real name on Ternpath. It is possible to use an alias or false name, however this may have an affect on your acceptance by other people, including your new friends.
  1. And we don’t want you to go pretending to be someone else of the platform, like a celebrity. This is a breach of our guidelines and more importantly defeats the purpose of what you enjoy most about Ternpath, it’s authenticity and trust.
  1. We also ask our users to watch out for solicitation of commercial products or entities not authorized by Ternpath. If you see this type of thing please report it to us so we can look into it.  Again, this is a breach of our guidelines, we don’t like it and either should you.

Follow the Law


  1. Ternpath won’t tolerate or allow itself to be the place of support or promotion of terrorism, organized crime, hate groups or any illegal activities. It’s also not the place to promote sexual services or activities, sale or supply of firearms, alcohol or tobacco products or drugs.  Ternpath also won’t tolerate the exploitation or cruelty to animals.  We understand that hunting groups will enjoy the services of Ternpath, and that’s great, however any demonstration, photographs or videos or talk about cruelty to animals whether intended or not violates our guidelines.  On that topic, we also won’t tolerate the poaching and selling of endangered animals or their parts.
  1. We are all responsible for our actions when it comes to following the law. This also involves taking part in illegal gambling, any use of real money for gaming or games of skill or lotteries where chance betting takes place.  If it is illegal in your State or Territory, then it’s not accepted by Ternpath.

Respect diversity


  1. A lot of work has gone into the creation of Ternpath. All of that work was motivated by the idea we could create a platform that people of all backgrounds and diverse lifestyles could come together to share their experiences and lives. Such things as hate speech, threats or content or behavior that targets individual’s diversity won’t be tolerated.  This might also mean things like black mail or harassment and even repeated unwanted messages. 
  1. Ternpath does understand that some people will want to meet to discuss political points of view, or their beliefs around religion. A part of a diverse community is allowing these types of discussions to happen, however Ternpath will not tolerate any type of violence being motivated by these types of topics. Any collection of people must be peaceful and not harmful to any of the participants or the wider community.
  1. It is not ok to encourage violence or to attack anyone physically or with words and insults online based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, religious affirmation and disability or disease. We askbour entire Ternpath community to challenge any of this behavior and to make us aware of it.
  1. Where anyone in our Ternpath community is made aware of any type of promotion of self-harm or mutilation we again ask you to challenge the behavior and help the particular person or group to seek the right kind of help.
  1. Again, where you see something that you think violates Ternpath’s guidelines and standards please let us know at
  1. If you find there is content or events created that offends you, but does not necessarily violate our guidelines, you are welcome to contact us to discuss this, but largely we ask you to keep an open mind and trust that we are interested in having high standards, but also allowing our community to express themselves in the ways they prefer. You may also benefit from speaking to the people directly about how you feel and in most cases these disputes can be resolved civily.
  1. Where we find that breaches of the law having been committed, relative to the area in which it occurred, Ternpath may contact the local law enforcement agency, again this is particularly true where we believe there is a threat to a person safety or well-being.



  1. This Ternpath policy has information that you should know and understand. It is about how Ternpath handles your information, processes data and why we have that data collected.
  1. It stands to reason that Ternpath would capture information about how the platform is performing. The types of information we collect really depends on how you use the product. For example, we might analys information about what types of events you go to and how far you’re prepared to travel to get to them, or what types of other people are going to your events.  We also collect meta-data about photographs, your choice of mobile phone, your camera and filter preferences
  1. We do this so our algorithms can better align you to better experiences, things that are more up your alley. It wouldn’t be much fun if it was random and we kept recommending events that just don’t interest you. We also collect information that you give us when you sign up, like your age and sex and where you are.  All of this information helps us continually improve Ternpath, which is better for everyone.
  1. It’s important for you to know that when you do sign up that you’re giving Ternpath this information. It’s also important for you to know that we are always analyzing what people do and how they use Ternpath. We want to make sure there’s no secrets about what’s going on in the background.  Your trust in Ternpath is really important to our team and if at any time you think your trust is being breached we ask you to contact us to discuss your concerns
  1. Ternpath will also collect information about networks, interests and connections. We collect information about people, accounts, hashtags and groups that meet together. We will also collect information about how regularly you use the platform and how long you stay online or how quickly you get back off again.  We may look for some information in your conversations on Ternpath in direct messages or in comments that help us understand how you connect with people and how you use the platform.  We are not interested in reading about your life, that’s not our business.  We will though be looking out for some of the hazards mentioned before, such as hate speech or things that are damaging to our community.
  1. For now, Ternpath does not have advertising or endorsements. This may change in the future. For that purpose we will also be collecting information about your preferences, content you enjoy and brands that you engage with.  For this purpose again we will also collect data about who you engage with and how you may have influence over, or has influence over your preferences. 
  1. You should understand that the data we collect might be information that you have provided, but may also be information that others have provided about you. For example, you may be in a photograph relating to an event.  This may not be your photo, but from your presence in the photograph we can collect data that indicates your preferences, friends and centres of influence.  It is important that you keep this in mind when others take your photograph, particularly where you won’t have control on how that photo will be used. 
  1. The information we collect from you or from other people about you might also include your locations and time of location, despite you having some of these services turned off on your phone. If you do have this information available it is likely to be collected directly from you.



  1. We’ve mentioned already, but to be sure you understand why we collect this data we’ll go over it here.
  1. The information and data we collect helps us improve our products and potentially create new ones. We can also personalize products and experiences to better suit your preferences or even make recommendations to you.
  1. Further to that we can assist our partners take part in product research and development. We do not sell or openly supply your information, however, and as an example, we may be able to assist transport route planners with understanding how people use public transport, road and reasons why people use these facilities. In the future where we facilitate advertising or product endorsement we will be able to align products that suit your preferences and assist those partners with research about how Ternpath users interact with products.  If this were to occur Ternpath will ensure all users are made aware of those changes.
  1. One of Ternpath’s goals has been to create a healthy and fun place that people can meet, enjoy activities and extend their social circles. A consequence of this activity is improved mental and physical health and creates opportunity for growth and personal benefit.  Social welfare is very important to us at Ternpath. We will openly work with researchers and organisations that have an agenda to improve people’s lives.  Where requested, and within reason, we will provide these bodies aggregated data that helps with research and socially good projects. We will never give information out that might lead to any person being personally identified. 
  1. Ternpath also utilizes Facial Recognition technology. A fundamental benefit of Ternpath is the integrity and authenticity of our community.  When you sign up to Ternpath you will be asked to take a selfie for the purposes of a profile picture.  This is to enable authenticity of the account holder in two levels, that firstly we don’t want Ternpath to be a place of pretentiousness and falsely lead lives. We believe by uploading a fresh selfie we enable the platform to be a place of trust and where people can be themselves.  Once you’ve uploaded your selfie we use that photograph as a basis for further facial recognition.  Of course, you can change your profile picture as regularly as you like.  We use FR in the process of putting friends together through the friends’ selfie process. 
  1. A lot of consideration has gone into this process. We want to make it as seamless for our community as possible, but as importantly it disables an ability to create artificial links and groups. The creation of FR templates may constitute data in many regions and may be subject to special protections under some jurisdictions.  You should be aware of this, and if this creates an issue for you are encouraged to contact us.



  1. We have set up Ternpath to be private, until you make decisions about sharing your information. This decision is primarily based around you becoming friends with other people on the network.  Once you do this your profile and your use of the platform will open up.  You should make this decision consciously with this knowledge.  Your friends will see which events you are going to, photos you’re in and who else you engage with at events and online.  In the future they may also see what products you engage with and any external App you use through Ternpath.  That sharing of information also extends to any current or future third parts Apps that Ternpath may integrate with in the future. Information sharing may include demographic information, locations, product interests and meta data that can be used in aggregate form.
  1. Prior to becoming friends with other users there will not be a lot of your information available for others to see. This has been designed to ensure users safety and information is kept private unless they chose to share it. You should also be mindful that your friends will also be able to see when you are online.  At the moment this isn’t a preference that can be turned off. 

Research and Development


  1. Previously we touched on allowing aggregated data to be used to help in the research and development of socially good projects. This extends to partners that participate in R & D relating to technology, scholarships or innovation.  We support business development and enhancement and discovery of new innovation on topics of technology, public health and interests and community well-being.

Law Enforcement


  1. As mentioned previously, Ternpath may share information with law enforcement where it appears serious breaches of the law have taken place or where there is a threat to a person’s well-being or safety. Where law enforcement agencies produce a warrant in order to secure information or a particular kind, and only as specified in the warrant, Ternpath will cooperate with that agency to assist them execute the warrant.

How can you manage or Delete your information or profile?


  1. Ternpath provides you with methods within the App to delete certain information, and further improvements will follow. If you feel that you’re having issues with privacy we invite you to contact us to assist you.
  1. Data that we have that is out of date or is no longer relevant we naturally delete. This is also the case if you want to delete your account.  We may keep data which tells us where you abandoned using the app and which parts you used or avoided, but any personal data will be deleted.  We may at times find we have legal reasons to keep certain information past you deleting your account or the information being particularly relevant to research we are conducting within Ternpath. 
  1. In the instances that we need to delete accounts due to violations of our rules and policies, we will retain the information around that users use on Ternpath, including the posts, photographs, comments or the like that amounted to the violation. This is usually for the event that the behavior resulting in the deletion also amounts to a breach of law in a particular location to which it relates.
  1. When you do delete your account we will delete things like your posts, your events, your comments, photos and any updates. Once you delete you will not be able to retrieve it. Presently we do not provide a deactivation facility, however that will be included in the near future.
  1. Ternpath is wholly owned by Three Chevrons Pty Ltd, which is an Australian company. While the servers storing information may be remotely located around the world, the accounts used to access them are Australian based accounts and therefore Australian law will hold the priority over any other jurisdiction that may request the information.  We will also work with third party investigators in an effort to prevent and detect fraud, internationally or locally to you.



  1. We operate in a global environment and our users come from all parts of our world. We also endeavor to work with partners around the world in order for us to produce better products and opportunities for you.  The context of Australia is vastly different than northern Canada and therefore we carefully use information that we collect from around the world.  As an example, the use of Ternpath in Canada would be analysed by our people in Australia or other parts of the world, where-ever we have them employed.  Naturally the data is moved electronically around the world so that it is available for our analyst to conduct their work. Through various communication methods, such as Skype, we will discuss the results of data analysis and make decisions based on that.  In every occasion possible we endeavor to use the most secure methods available to prevent any privacy breaches.  In almost all cases we use third party providers to move data around and to communicate and we carefully select those providers based on their reputation and commitment to privacy.



  1. When there is a change to this policy we will notify you and offer you the opportunity to read it and understand it. We wil also offer you the opportunity to agree to the updated agreement before proceeding.

If you have any questions, please contact us at


Kind Regards


The Ternpath Team